Management of machinery and production line risk in compliance with OHSAS 18001 and the new ISO 45001
Risk generated by machinery, equipment and plants represent the main social and economic impact risk for many companies Managing it requires a structured, continuous approach and involves the main company functions
The numerous, serious occupational accidents show how many companies manage this risk in a superficial way
With its multidisciplinary staff, 3p Safety is able to intervene with professionalism and competence on:
- single machines;
- complex projects on company plants of Italian and international industrial groups
- entire risk management process for OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001 (purchase, commissioning, use, adaptation, training and safe use procedures)

Safe purchase and machinery safety check (obvious faults analysis)
- We think that machine accidents arise from misguided purchases and obvious faults that have to be intercepted in the purchasing and commissioning process.
- Definition of purchase specifications and contractual assistance
- Physical and documentary check of machinery and plants
- Purchase and technical personnel training on how to purchase a machine or a plant correctly
- Drafting of purchase and acceptance procedures in compliance with OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001

Initial census and audit of the plant's machine park
- Plant’s machine park and equipment census;
- Definition of obligations (EC, Annex V, marking)
- Technical and documentary audit to define clear critical points and intervention priorities
- Sharing with company management, SB, RSPP and SGS OHSAS 18001 managers.

EN 12100 risk analysis and improvement measures
- Risk analysis is the operating tool used to identify, analyse and plan improvement solutions.
- We verify human-machine interaction interviewing operational and maintenance staff
- We identify hazards and analyse risks in compliance with standards EN 12100 and ISO/TR 14121-2 with definition of the PL/SIL required.
- Drafting of a detailed improvement plan that we share with HSE staff and company management

Safety Design workplaces and safety functions
- Before moving to implementing improvement actions in the case of medium complexity machinery the areas subject to perimeter segregation need checking with skilled workers and in order to choose the most suitable electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic solutions.
- We define the safety architecture for electrical / electronic and pneumatic / hydraulic systems
- For complex machines and lines with a high number of safety I / O, we process functional logic Safety Matrix

Residual risk management: machine cards, use procedures and training in the field
- Machine risk management has an essential element: the involvement and training of operational and maintenance staff.
- We set machine cards out both in the case of machinery under Annex V Legislative Decree 81/08 and on EC marked machines. They are an operating tool where residual risks, signage and PPE, protection and safety equipment, energy insulation are summarised in a summary form.
- We set specific operating instructions out for equipment and machine use
- We train the operators in the field, directly in front of the machines, on the risk assessment results and on the machine card contents

SOS Accident: technical legal assistance in case of accidents on machines and systems
- We are able to support our customers with technical and legal staff in all judicial activities and take up the CTP assignment after accidents on machinery and equipment.
- We support your lawyers with our multidisciplinary team